Junky Dive - My conclusions (long yap)

Pixel Game Jam was my first jam ever and this was my first game that I acctually managed to make in like set deadlines, so here are my expeiriences that will (hopefully) help me in the future jams and some insights about the game.

The first days were super painful, because I didn't use any premade scripts (huge mistake btw, always use them if its allowed) and i had to code all the basic mechanics. Also slicing all spritesheets was annoying and changing the background color based on depth and trash was quite challenging too.  Like I said, should've used premade scripts but i didn't have them prepared.  Next days were like: adding grappling hook from youtube tutorials and setting up colliders. Then it got a bit easier, but the time was running out. And it turned out that I had to make level transitions, main menu and level accuracy score in just one day! And design levels too.

Fun fact: i actually added animations for 3 colors of the diver (all in assets) but used only one of them. I just forgot about the rest (wouldn't have time to add them anyway).

Jam was 10 days long, but in reality I made the game in 7, 'cause i started late, so I'm pretty proud of the result overall. I hope, that it'll even maybe inspire people to care about oceans more ;) Theese are the worst places to dump trash that humanity could choose. 

Thanks for all constructive feedback, that you all gave me (and for super high rating count) and see you in my upcoming games ;)


JunkyDive-1.0.zip Play in browser
May 19, 2024

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